Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chacon Released By Astros

Shawn Chacon, who was recently demoted to the bullpen by Houston Astros' manager Cecil Cooper, has been released after gettting into a scuffle with team general manager Ed Wade. Earlier this week, Chacon and Wade got into an altercation in front of the team in which Chacon apparently jumped on top of Wade and tried to choke him out. Both men were restrained and Chacon was suspended immediately. He was on indefinite suspension, where the Astros would determine what to do with him in the future. They didn't take long to decide. They decided to release him a couple of days after the incident. Chacon now has to look to sign on with another team. A lot of major league sources say that's probably not going to happen, considering Chacon's skill level and his character. This may mean the end to Shawn Chacon's career, which has ended very tumultously. Chacon turned down other teams this offseason so he can be a starter. He signed with the Astros because he was guaranteed to fill a starting spot. He later lost that spot because of inconsistent pitching and became very disgruntled. The final blow for Chacon came with the altercation with Wade. Has Chacon pitched his last game with the Astros? Why is the Astros' clubhouse so disgruntled themselves? Will Wade be the next one to go if the Astros don't start winning?

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